Ng Tian Kiat

Computer Science Undergraduate

About Me

Hi! I am Tian Kiat, a software developer with 4 years of experience in game development and with interest in AI and data analytics. I have made games using game engines built from scratch with C++/C# and commercial game engines such as Unity and Unreal.

I strongly believe that curiosity and a “dare to fail” attitude is the key to success. No one starts out knowing everything - the discipline and humility to learn the ropes is how you achieve self-actualization.

During my study at DigiPen, I have gained an interest in AI and data analytics. With a strong foundation in linear algebra, calculus and statistics, I am very keen to learn more about AI and apply them in software and business contexts.

Things I have done: Develop games, apps, ML models, BI dashboards, and RPA robots.

Things I want to do: Have an opportunity to work on an AI project that benefits people!


DigiPen Institute of Technology Singapore

BSc Computer Science and Game Design

2019 - 2022

I was able to combine my love of games with my passion for computer science, this gave me the drive to learn and explore!

During my time at DigiPen, I was able to establish a strong foundation in computer science and mathematics. Due to the practical approach of my course, I also gained skills and experience in teamwork, communication, critical problem-solving and project management.

Ngee Ann Polytechnic

Diploma in Multimedia & Animation

2014 - 2017

I was discovering my passion for technology and software.

While studying at Ngee Ann, I was given many opportunities to explore and try out things in the arts/design, as well as, information technology because my course was in Multimedia. I explored website design, game design, game programming, archviz, and 3D game animation.

Professional Experience

PSA Singapore

Robotics Process Developer and Data Analyst

May 2022 - Present

PSA Singapore

Automating business processes and building dashboards by analysing business data.

This internship was extremely fruitful as I got to deploy RPA processes across PSA Singapore’s terminals saving more than 880 man-hours annually. In addition, I was able given the opportunity to be a trainer for data analytics and dashboard building workshops.

Additionally, I got to learn and experience how a large organization such as PSA operates their business units. It was very interesting to see how the organization’s business units are structured and work together to keep the company on the cutting edge of the world’s transhipment industry.

DigiPen Institute of Technology Singapore

Teacher's Assistant

Sept 2020 - May 2022

DigiPen Singapore

"To teach is to learn twice over" - Joseph Joubert

After my first year in DigiPen Singapore, I became a teacher’s assistant to assist the freshmen with foundational classes such as linear algebra, C/C++ programming, OOP and Data Structures & Algorithms. I believe that by teaching others, I gained a deeper understanding of those topics. This is because I had to gain greater insight into the underlying concepts and mechanisms in those topics in order to explain them in layman’s terms.

Project Experience

Bogos Binted

A 3D Wacky Sci-fi shooter game built using a custom C++ and C# engine.

This project is the final capstone project of my time in DigiPen. An 8-man project involving programmers and game designers. I was in charge of writing the C++ API and data structures that bound onto our C# scripting layer. I was also the main gameplay programmer.

My main job as a gameplay programmer is to implement a 3D spline system that the player and enemies follow, as well as, create a “choreography” system for scripting the combat of the game. This included spawning, moving between waypoints and timing attack patterns of enemies seen in the game.

Deep Learning Image Classification

Using deep learning networks to classify images of BEES!

This project along with my other ML projects was done as part of my elective focus on AI. I learned a lot about traditional models in ML, and in this project, I built a CNN image classifier. I learned a lot about Keras in this project.

This is just the start of my journey to learn more about ML and I look forward to researching and applying more novel solutions to solve real-world problems!

DC Metro Crime Data Exploration and Visualization

Learning Pandas, Seaborn and applying what I learned!

I started this exercise to apply my knowledge of Pandas and Seaborn outside of school assignments. I focused on exploring and creating visuals that would aid in hypothesis testing and providing insights into the trends given in the dataset.

From this project, I learned to be more client and goal focused when building visualizations, as it is always about telling a story with the huge amounts of data you get.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) processes for PSA Singapore

Developing and deploying RPA robots to aid PSA Singapore's Container Business Division.

During my internship at PSA Singapore, I was part of the Container Business Division’s Process Re-engineering department. In this department, I was put in charge of developing RPA robots using UiPath that would be rolled out to the different port terminals in order to reduce the man-hours needed in completing repetitive tasks.


  • Automating data entry for extra activities incurred in the transhipment process into a business portal
  • Automating report generation to flag low-occupancy yard slots to optimize yard movement planning.
  • Creating Power BI workshop manual with detailed instructions for collecting, cleaning and visualizing data in Power BI dashboards.
  • Trainer for Power BI workshop for engineering departments - aided participants by answering and guiding them through exercises.

More About Me

Some of my hobbies and interest are:

  • Fishing
  • Cycling
  • Gym & Calisthenics
  • Never ending list of random hobbies I am not particularly good at but enjoy :)